Effective security requires

  • a holistic approach

  • an experienced approach



Converged Security

We view Converged Security as a blending of traditional investigative techniques with technologically based analysis and solutions.  Converged Security can also be described as the integration, in a formal, collaborative, and strategic manner, of the cumulative security resources of an organization in order to deliver enterprise-wide benefits through enhanced risk mitigation, increased operational effectiveness and efficiency, and cost savings.  All too often a company will address their corporate security and fraud management problems by assembling singularly focused and seeming disparate internal groups/business units such as IT/Information Security, Physical Security, Corporate Security, Audit, Risk, Operations, Legal and HR. While well intentioned, the assembled group recommends what works best for their narrow purposes.  To complicate matters further, members of a group don't know what pertinent information the other groups have, so the "right" questions are never asked.  So sharing of information is never truly optimized.  The by-product of a hastily convened and shallow parochial examination of the issue, a solution is reluctantly announced.  Unfortunately, since the solution was not developed in a truly collaborative and comprehensive manner, the solution is doomed and the problem is destined to eventually recur. Your company does not deserve to expend valuable resources on an inadequate resolution process.  Due to our experience working with and knowing the capabilities and strengths of each department, we are able to harness the collective efforts of your teams to produce a meaningful solution in a targeted, flexible, respectful manner. Only a company with our experience, expertise, and a working knowledge of the various groups can effectively apply this approach to your areas of concern.

Internal Fraud investigations

Companies experience losses in many forms including monetary loss, theft or misuse of account information, as well as the theft of contact lists and competitive contract details. Legacy Security Consulting has vast proven experience in investigating all types of fraud including situations that involved employees committing fraud, embezzling funds, creating false invoices, and fraudulently obtaining 401k funds. Company insiders are responsible for the majority of “hacking” incidents. Therefore, insider fraud remains the most dangerous threat to a business. Many of a company’s defenses and detection services are pointed toward outsiders, while many fraudsters are employed by the victim. Since most of a company’s attention is focused on outside fraud, insider threats can be difficult to detect which in turn can make internal investigations very difficult. We can apply our successful and award winning techniques to actual or potential fraud scenarios that may victimize your business.  

External Fraud investigations

Companies are under constant and persistent attack by fraudsters. The resulting fraud schemes can take many forms: funds misappropriation, institution and individual/personal account takeovers, credit card fraud, fraud by the unauthorized use of a credit card, fraudulent account applications, consumer fraud, data and account hacking, ACH (Automatic Clearing House) check fraud, etc. These fraud schemes can be financially destructive and erode the confidence of your customers. Many companies, new to the business of mitigating fraud employ ineffective measures. The detection, mitigation, and prevention steps needed to address these threats should be employed by a company with vast experience.  

Behavioral Threat Assessment/Workplace Violence/Assess Dangerousness

Workplace violence incidents continue to increase. Post incident reviews have identified key lessons and indicators that are beneficial to lessening the likelihood of a catastrophic incident occurring at your facility/location. For instance, it is known that in the overwhelming majority of the incidents indications were present that might have predicted the catastrophic violence. Utilizing the unique skill set and expertise available at Legacy Security Consulting, Awareness Training can be provided to your company to better assess situations that might  result in violence.  Your employees and Managers can learn what signs to look for in a potentially troubled individual or set of circumstances.  Many employees feel intimidated to report potentially troubling issues.  They don't feel empowered, don’t know what to look for, don’t know how to report in a confidential manner, don’t want to get the troubled individual in trouble for something they believe is minor in nature.  With Awareness Training your Employees/Managers can be empowered to properly alert their superiors when certain behavioral characteristics are detected/observed.  This training can go a long way toward replacing their fear with empowerment and asserting a new confidence in trusting their gut instincts. The training can prove to ally unnecessary worries of employees who fear they might be involved in a workplace violence incident.

Risk Assessments – IT

There is great value in having a 3rd party perform the all important IT Risk Assessment.  With valuable practical experience dealing with IT risks, we place emphasis on the actual versus theoretical threats to a company’s precious IT environment.  Often companies are inundated with information about threats which are never realized nor are they likely to represent a viable threat.  Valuable resources are expended on threats with very little likelihood to represent a true threat.  From an analysis of your critical IT dependent business processes assumptions can be made about what type of threats should be expected.  With this valuable information, a customized assessment will be formulated and completed.  After the assessment is made, a great amount of communication with your team will commence.  Those communications will outline the risks, the steps to mitigate the risks, as well as the possible consequences for ignoring the risks.  

Risk Assessments - Existing and New Business Products

Undoubtedly your company would like to grow with new business offerings.  The promise these offerings hold are sometimes short lived due to indifference paid to fraud risk.  Rarely can those fraud risks be quantified or qualified by someone without experience battling the various forms fraud schemes can take. Legacy Security Consulting has had significant international experience advising business leaders of the possible fraud risks to existing and new product offerings. Our advice is based on award winning, results oriented investigative experience performed in both the public and private sectors.

Physical Security

Your company has many assets needing protection.  Property, people, equipment, monetary instruments, computers storing the valuable and irreplaceable data of your clients, proprietary information, intellectual property, and your most valuable asset, employees and associates.  Securing your assets starts at your perimeter.  That means you need robust Physical Security.  Many Security firms can design a physical security plan, but very few firms have experience operating at the levels Legacy has.  Very few firms have the vast and varied experience of Legacy Security Consulting to properly assess your security needs and design a security plan uniquely scaled for the probable risks to your assets.  International in scope, Legacy’s experience with physical security spans the globe and is versed in navigating various cultural and governmental challenges. 


See what security we can provide: 

  • Converged Security
  • Fraud Management
  • Behavorial Threat Assessment
  • IT Risk Assessment
  • Product risk Assessment
  • Physical Security


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